5-Days Squeezed
I’ve had multiple clients in the past several months ask me what I thought about the Squeezed Detox and if I should put them on it. A bit skeptical at first, I did my research on the company and their product and was shockingly impressed.
Things that interested me most:
Detox/Cleanse. The benefits of detoxing are endless!
They’re locally in Houston, TX
Delivery to your doorstep! Umm... Hello! That makes my life so much easier!
Arian Foster endorses Squeezed!! Yes, really! Go Texans!
I agreed with a select few of my clients that a detox would be really beneficial for them to go ahead a do. All of which have had amazing results! My client Lane of Blush and Boots shared her experience of losing "3lbs in 3-Days" on her blog. She's taking a week off of squeezed only to do another 4-day Squeezed Detox next week.
Well, I can't allow my clients to experiment with something without doing it myself, so I ordered myself the 5-Day Squeezed Detox. Listen, I eat really healthy for the most part with the occasional cheat meal on the weekend. During the week, I consistently follow a meal plan provided by my Nutritionist Michael Florida, however, I struggle with a few digestive issues, (slight) anxiety, and adrenal fatigue. Adrenal Fatigue is actually what took me out of the figure competition world in winter 2013. My body was completely shutting down and unresponsive to my diet and training. I knew it was time to take a break and focus on other things that brought me joy and happiness like spending more time with my family, scrap booking, running (I’m currently training for my first ½ Marathon), and eating more for the nourishment of my body.
I've been able to get over my adrenal fatigue by taking all of 2014 off from competing to re-set my body. It's been a little emotional cause figure competitions is something that I truly love and enjoy, but it's been the best decision I could've made for myself.
Back to the Detox! When you go to www.squeezedonline.com you'll see the menu option. Once you are on the menu page, you'll see several detox options listed. I started with (and recommend starting with) the Squeezed Detox. I've been putting my clients on the 3-Day Detox for their first go. After that, I recommend taking a full week off (eat a balanced clean diet) and then do the detox again if you so desire and strive for the 4-Day Detox. If you are very active, I highly recommend that you choose Squeezed Detox w/ Almond Milk. Upon your purchase you will get a detailed email on where to pick-up your juice or what time it will be on your doorstep. Also, you'll get a very easy to follow layout on how to drink your juice. Strive to separate your "meals" by every 3 hours.
Things I did:
I wanted to last the whole 5-Days on the plan so I had 4oz Lean Protein & 1C green veggies at Dinner everyday (along with the juice). So, 1 meal a day.
I took some time off training so that I could focus on just healing my body from the inside out.
Still drank 1C coffee a day which was my goal. Friends! This is a HUGE improvement for me. I usually have 2 Sparks, 1-2 cups of coffee and sometimes even a fat burner for energy. That explains my adrenal fatigue- smh!
My Results:
Lost 5 Pounds in 5 Days! Did I mention I didn't workout? Holla!
Digestive Issues Completely Gone Starting The First Day!
Zero Anxiety! There has actually been an amazing calmness that I have now.
Feel more energy than ever!
Day 5 I was ready to eat, but it wasn't super over-powering. It was a very subtle desire.
Sugar Cravings GONE!!! That's worth every penny to me!
A few other perks to the Squeezed Detox:
A break from food prepping! No more cleaning Tupperware, weighing and measuring my food!
More time with my husband and kids. My mornings have been so relaxed cause I'm not rushing around packing my food for the day along with my boys lunches.
What I Plan To Do On My Next Go:
I'm taking a week off of Squeezed to eat my Nutritionists mapped out plan for me and will do the 6-Day Super Squeezed Detox. Super Squeezed is more veggie (less fruit) based. My hope is that I can take my internal healing to another level.
Strive to get off coffee & drink 1 Spark during my workouts.
Eat a meal on every-other-day
Continue my daily workout/running routine
Something Extra:
I highly recommend you listen to a podcast that just rocked my world and goes hand-in-hand with this Detox journey:
My Best/Healthy wishes to you Shed Nation!